Image features brushes and colored pencils.

Worship backgrounds that you can use for printed bulletins, in e-mails, on your website, or any other creative use you can think of. Many of our worship graphics are available in English and Spanish. We hope our church clip art and worship backgrounds will spark creative ideas, and provide sermon inspiration.

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Using PowerPoint As A Tool To Create Graphics

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  • Rise Up: Progress 1 Graphics

  • Affirming Church Welcome Graphics. Streaks of light in a rainbow of colors against a dark background.

    Affirming Church Welcome Graphics

  • Palm Sunday - the word "Hosanna" textured with palm fronds against a green background

    Palm Sunday 7 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday Worship Graphics. A single palm frond in many shades of green to celebrate Palm Sunday.

    Palm Sunday Worship Graphics

  • Palm Sunday - the words "Palm Sunday" using 3D letters and textured with a palm frond

    Palm Sunday 5 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday Worship Media Graphics - the words "Palm Sunday" textured with green palm fronds

    Palm Sunday Worship Media Graphics

  • Palm Sunday 3 Graphics. Palm fronds wave across the screen outside the city of Jerusalem.

    Palm Sunday 3 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday 1 Graphics. Palm fronds wave across the screen – calling you to celebrate Jesus’ arrival on Palm Sunday.

    Palm Sunday 1 Graphics

  • Risen Easter Graphics - a white cross set against a colorful, blurry background

    Risen Easter Graphics

  • Experience of Lent Graphics. Image features a sunburst against a sunrise background.

    Experience Of Lent Graphics

  • Lent Greeting Graphics. Greetings for Lent set against a colorful background.

    Lent Greeting Graphics

  • Into The Wilderness Graphics. Shadow of a cross seen on the barren desert ground.

    Into The Wilderness Graphics

  • Lenten Season Graphics. The word "Lent" set against a purple low-poly background.

    Lenten Season Graphics

  • Experience of Lent With Cross Graphics. Image features a sunburst against a sunrise background.

    Experience Of Lent (with Cross) Graphics

  • Tenebrae Graphics

  • Good Friday Sermon Graphics - a stylized Christ on the cross set against a black background

    Good Friday Sermon Graphics

Progressive Church Media