A row of white candles, lit for Advent

We have an ever-growing selection of Advent worship resources to help you celebrate the arrival of the Christ child. Many of our Advent worship resources are available in English and Spanish.

We hope our Advent worship resources will spark creative ideas for the season, provide Advent sermon inspiration, or help you light your Advent candles as you journey toward Christmas Eve.

Enhance Your Ministry:

Advent Candle Lighting Readings

Mary’s Magnificat and the Call to Social Justice During Advent

Seeing the Holy Family in Today's Refugees and Migrants

Sacred Pause: Embracing Stillness and Mindfulness During Advent

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Advent Backgrounds for Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet

  • Advent Wreath Images Blue PowerPoint. Blue Advent candles with one white Christ candle.

    Advent Wreath Images Blue PowerPoint

  • Prepare The Way (Advent) Graphics. Four white candles, lit in preparation for the celebration of Advent.

    Prepare The Way (Advent) Graphics

  • Prepare The Way (Advent) PowerPoint. Four white candles, lit in preparation for the celebration of Advent.

    Prepare The Way (Advent) PowerPoint

  • Prepare The Way (Advent) Videos. Four white candles, lit in preparation for the celebration of Advent.

    Prepare The Way (Advent) Videos

Progressive Church Media