Fall leaves, including one with the shape of a heart

Progressive Church Media provides awesome worship media products for Fall so you can provide awesome worship experiences. We offer fall worship backgrounds, fall scenery, autumn leaves and welcome to church resources for the season. Many of our Autumn worship resources are available in English and Spanish.

Enhance Your Ministry:

Fall Festival Ideas for Churches

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Free Fonts for Ministry

  • Apple PowerPoint. Low-poly apple against a red background.

    Apple PowerPoint

  • Apple Videos. Low-poly apple against a red background.

    Apple Videos

  • Windy Church Welcome Graphics - swirls of stylized clouds against a blue sky

    Windy Church Welcome Graphics

  • Windy Church Welcome PowerPoint. Wispy clouds swirl across the screen.

    Windy Church Welcome PowerPoint

  • Windy Church Welcome Videos. Wispy clouds swirl across the screen.

    Windy Church Welcome Video

Progressive Church Media