Lush green palm fronds against a white background

Progressive Church Media provides awesome worship media products for Palm Sunday so you can shout "Hosanna!" Many of our Palm Sunday worship resources are available in English and Spanish.

We hope our palm-filled worship resources will spark creative ideas for worship, and provide Palm Sunday sermon inspiration.

  • Palm Sunday PowerPoint - green strokes of watercolor form a palm frond with placeholders for text

    Palm Sunday PowerPoint 11

  • Palm Sunday Video - green strokes of watercolor form a palm frond next to the word "Hosanna"

    Palm Sunday Video 11

  • Palm Sunday Graphics - green icon of a palm frond surrounded by the words "Hosanna" and "Palm Sunday"

    Palm Sunday 9 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday PowerPoint - a green icon of a palm frond with placeholders for text

    Palm Sunday 9 PowerPoint

  • Palm Sunday Video - a green icon of a palm frond encircled by the words "Hosanna" and "Palm Sunday"

    Palm Sunday 9 Video

  • Palm Sunday - the word "Hosanna" textured with palm fronds against a green background

    Palm Sunday 7 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday PowerPoint - slides with text placeholders; background is the word "Hosanna" textured with palm fronds

    Palm Sunday 7 PowerPoint

  • Palm Sunday Video - the word "Hosanna" textured with palm fronds and set against a green background

    Palm Sunday 7 Video

  • Palm Sunday Worship Graphics. A single palm frond in many shades of green to celebrate Palm Sunday.

    Palm Sunday Worship Graphics

  • Palm Sunday Worship PowerPoint. A single palm frond in many shades of green to celebrate Palm Sunday.

    Palm Sunday Worship PowerPoint

  • Palm Sunday Worship Videos. A single palm frond in many shades of green to celebrate Palm Sunday.

    Palm Sunday Worship Videos

  • Palm Sunday - the words "Palm Sunday" using 3D letters and textured with a palm frond

    Palm Sunday 5 Graphics

  • Palm Sunday - PowerPoint slide with text placeholders and the words "Palm Sunday" using 3D letters

    Palm Sunday 5 PowerPoint

  • Palm Sunday -the words "Palm Sunday" in 3D letters textured by a green palm frond

    Palm Sunday 5 Video

  • Palm Sunday Worship Media Graphics - the words "Palm Sunday" textured with green palm fronds

    Palm Sunday Worship Media Graphics

  • Palm Sunday Worship Media PowerPoint - slide with text placeholders against a dark green palm frond background

    Palm Sunday Worship Media PowerPoint

Progressive Church Media