Advent Candles Videos


Advent Candles Videos. Celebrate the season of Advent with our animated candles. Videos (including 4K), PowerPoint, graphics, social media. English and Spanish. Includes 10-second countdown timer.


Advent Candles Videos. Celebrate the season of Advent with our animated candles. Videos (including 4K), PowerPoint, graphics, social media. English and Spanish. Includes 10-second countdown timer.

Advent Candles and Their Symbolism

Advent, the season of anticipation leading up to Christmas, is marked by a beautiful tradition: the Advent wreath. This circular wreath, often adorned with evergreen branches and red ribbons, holds four candles that are lit progressively on each of the four Sundays of Advent. Each candle represents a specific virtue or theme associated with the Christmas season.

The colors of the Advent candles carry significant meaning:

  • Purple: Three of the candles are typically purple. Purple symbolizes penitence, hope, and royalty, reflecting the somber anticipation and spiritual preparation for the coming of Christ.
  • Pink (or Rose): The third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, is marked by a pink candle. Pink signifies joy and celebration, offering a moment of lightheartedness amidst the penitential season.

As each candle is lit, it illuminates a particular aspect of Advent:

  1. Hope: The first candle represents hope, reminding us of the promise of God’s love and the coming of the Messiah.
  2. Peace: The second candle symbolizes peace, inviting us to cultivate inner peace and harmony with others.
  3. Joy: The pink candle on Gaudete Sunday signifies joy, a reminder to celebrate the impending arrival of Christ.
  4. Love: The fourth candle represents love, the ultimate gift of God to humanity through Jesus Christ.

In some traditions, a fifth white candle, symbolizing Christ, is placed in the center of the wreath and lit on Christmas Eve.

The Advent wreath serves as a visual and spiritual tool to guide individuals through the Advent season. By lighting the candles and reflecting on their meaning, Christians can deepen their faith and prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christmas.

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