Stylized hands raise up to help

Progressive Church Media provides awesome worship media products focused on social justice so you can provide awesome worship experiences. Many available in English and Spanish.

  • Sermon on the Mount Stock Images. Ethnically accurate depiction of Jesus giving the Sermon on the Mount.

    Sermon on the Mount Stock Images

  • Don’t Be A Dick T-shirt

  • Psalm 109:8 (Pray For Trump) T-shirt

  • Psalm 109:8 (Pray for Trump) Magnet

  • P01135809 Trump Mugshot T-shirt

  • Vote (Folding Chair) T-shirt. The famous folding chair with the word "Vote."

    Vote (Folding Chair) T-shirt

  • Labor Day Celebration Social Media. The hand of a worker holds a wrench - a celebration of labor and workers.

    Labor Day Celebration Social Media

  • Labor Day Celebration Graphics. The hand of a worker holds a wrench - a celebration of labor and workers.

    Labor Day Celebration Graphics

  • Labor Day Celebration PowerPoint. The hand of a worker holds a wrench - a celebration of labor and workers.

    Labor Day Celebration PowerPoint

  • Labor Day Celebration Videos. The hand of a worker holds a wrench - a celebration of labor and workers.

    Labor Day Celebration Videos

  • Welcome Flock Social Media. Image shows a huge flock of sheep in a valley meadow.

    Welcome Flock Social Media

  • This Pastor Is Pro-Choice Unisex Heavy Cotton T-shirt

  • Stand With Ukraine. Image features flag of Ukraine with a lit candle for peace.

    Stand With Ukraine (Free Download)

  • Sale! March on Washington Social Media. Image features the crowd at the historic March on Washington with Dr. King.

    March On Washington Social Media

    Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $0.00.
  • What Are You Doing For Others? Social Media. Image features Dr. King and his famous question - "what are you doing for others?"

    What Are You Doing For Others? Social Media

  • Glitchy Peace Social Media. Colorful peace symbol against a starry background.

    Glitchy Peace Social Media

Progressive Church Media